There are problems we sometimes deny to have or think about. Speak about them. Those unspeakable problems. Let’s have a talk together about challenges in growing a company from zero revenue to 1M ARR. It is a pity to build great products and keep them underutilized. Do you agree? A great product can end-up, hidden from customers and their attention. One does not have to be a genius to find out that product unsold is product sooner or later to be abandoned by it’s creator for involuntary reasons. Just like poems, which are not finished, they are just abandoned. ## Who are you? - Starting Software as a Service - Single or small team digital product developer who is great as a maker and want to be even better at marketing, but you feel there is something missing. - Digital product/service marketing person who wants to educate herself and improve the skills ### You might not believe that - It can be a problem to find a common ground between product development and going to market ### You might believe that - You feel its always easier or more enjoyable for you to code instead of doing some brand- related work - You have mastered your craft but want to show your work to the world - You need to learn where to start, do not skip important strategy but also deliver tangible results ## What will be different in your life? You will know that brand development is crucial to your long-term success. You will be able to introduce longterm marketing strategy to Build the audience and Monetize your product on the go by waking up your inner marketer. ## Where to start? [[Table of Contents]] for my publication Ask Your Marketer. ## And who am I? Sharing my thoughts from a position of Chief Marketing Officer at growing it from zero to leading language localization suite. For many years I’ve been in contact with people who are great at their craft, but they could get used of some help with making their products available & attractive for the market. I have also helped tens of other businesses all over the world via consulting. I have started this site to share my knowledge & passion for [[brand development]] & marketing as I no longer provide the consulting service. ---